
(C)2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyright reserved


Isaiah’s work day was nearly over.

He now sat and  contemplated how best to UNWIND.

As he’d overdone it working out, the day before, Isaiah finally decided to take a MUSIC break. He decided that needed to DECOMPRESS and let off some emotional STEAM.

The Adept Kitty went over to pick up one of his owner’s  favorite guitars. And he already knew what he was going to play.

And while MR. KITTY FUR was very selective about what he listened to, ONCE in  great while a guitar classic would waft up between his two  Ebony and Ivory Cloaked pointy ears and he would borrow his owner (James ‘)electric guitar and hammer it out.


THIS particular time, ISAIAH kept hearing the (Ted Nugent) CLASSIC ROCK guitar riffs of “CAT SCRATCH FEVER.” .

YET, at the same exact time, the SENSITIVE FUR CAT gave PAWS…

For , after seeing the recent NEWS…”PURR” many of the dubious comments cast on the name of the football team THE REDSKINS, Isaiah ruminated in his furry feline SOUL if PURR- CHANCE  using the words CATCH SCRATCH FEVER was somehow being a bit insensitive to FELINES.

Yet, NOBLE ISAIAH, himself tuxedo’d in both BLACK and WHITE had always regarded the name REDSKINS as intending to complement the BRAVERY and FIERCE determined relentless SPIRIT and POWER of the nation’s Native American First Pioneering Leaders, not to forget the nation’s capital regional foot ball team.

BUT…. the recent modern comments and controversy DID caution the non biased WARRIOR CAT and all of this had made him a LOT more sensitive  how others also view these same types of things.

HOWEVER, CAT SCRATCH FEVER never ever made the Dear FURCAT reminded of illness bearing , even dangerous, KITTIES (which would have hurt him and all of the many other kitties even think about them being represented as SUCH)

Instead, each time the Tuxedo’d FURCUT heard, CAT SCRATCH FEVER made the Fiery Furlined Magnanimal EMPOWERED and truly ENERGIZED, not to forget truly PSYCHED.

The REASON for this being was that whenever the familiar sounds of CAT SCRATCH FEVER would begin to RING through  his own kitty brain, it would remind the Linx Like ISAIAH of   his once,way very long ago, luxury  SCRATCHING POST (which had been lost in his recent relocation).

This former preFURRED Scratching Post had been one of great beauty: It had been lined with FAUX FUR on one side and a superior grade of corrugated high quality card board on the other.

In addition the entire POST had been fashioned into the shape of the famous Queen Cleopatra of Egypt’s favorite BARGE. It  used to make ISAIAH’S sleep, eat and perch, drudgery lifestyle feel MUCH more  exotic.

It had been PURR-fect for ZAY-AH’S unwinding and lounging, as well as being EXTREMELY comfortable to the MAX. Plus emotionally freeing.

YET, this prime example of a PURRFECT PURRCH was gone forever…and without any occasional big diversions, Isaiah would tend to grow restless and TENSE.

Hence, his big NEED to UNWIND after a wearying WORKDAY…and now the need for some amped up, hard charging GUITAR CHORDS!

SO: Isaiah went over to the guitar case …

….BUT it had been placed up far too high for him to even LEAP (in order to knock it off onto the floor where he could PAW it)

THUS, in FURR-VENT FURRY FRUSTRATION the chagrined Kitty then made up his mind to SCRATCH IT OUT on the owners’ AMP…so in “Kitty Air Guitar” ambitious fashion, ISAIAH let go and let it RIP!!



…….BUT ALAS….it made NO SOUND…so the Furry Kitty Cat, therefore try as he might, was still NOT contented..

….and in his state of heightened EMOTION, the pent up pet felt that the remaining best alternative was simply to go sharpen (fine tune?) his claws on his owner’s best SOFA!

BUT…..JUST IN the nick of time..ISAIAH heard something…..

It was  the doorbell…..


WHO could be coming at this time of day…and UNANNOUNCED?

QUICKLY, Isaiah smoothed down his ruffled, bristling fierce FURS.

He strode  purposely over to answer the door…

The Inventive Leader Cat Isaiah nudged a stool over for him to gnaw and paw at the door knob, as the door finally swung open MUCH to his delight and SURPRISE, he realized that his SURPRISE FIRST FALL GUEST was none other than Cousin “LITTLE DOG” MAISY…. who preferred to drop by just this once, rather than to SKYPE.

AND MAISY was showing off  her Halloween Fall Festival COSTUME.

Doesn’t Maisy look  SOOO  WAY CUTE?!!…….


….AND even on top of that, the Dear Darlin’ Doggie walked in holding  a bag of fresh KITTY TREATS (of  the salmon and chicken mixture variety) in her dainty bicuspids (Meaning if dogs have them..bicuspids, that is)

WHICH of course were the VERY favorite ones that Maisy’s Cousin Isaiah PREFURRED!

Isaiah responded by thinking quickly. He wanted to have a nice treat for his Little Doggy Dear Cousin, too.

So Isaiah pawed open the pantry and pulled down some ginger cookies and then dragged the bag over for his Surprise (and Delightful) Guest to chow down on  a handful.

And after exchanging many pleasantries, and very happy family fond memories, it was soon time for the exceedingly well behaved  Maisy to scurry back home. She had  told her owner she would only be gone a very short time.

The two bid a fond ADIEU: one gave a  Bark and  other one a Mew….

Then EACH returned back their Simple Life of snoozing, dining, and forever perching…and of looking as ADORABLE and CUTE as EVER.

(C) 2013 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved